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What Every Santa Barbara Resident Should Know About Wolf Spiders

wolf spider on sand up close

While you never want to see a spider in your Santa Barbara home, wolf spiders are particularly unsettling due to their size and movements. Wolf spiders don't make webs; like their namesake, they hunt at night using their special night vision. These sporty spiders can track down and ambush their prey. After pouncing, they capture prey in their legs and roll onto their backs to inject venom. Some females of this spider family are large enough to consume amphibians and reptiles.

If you have a problem with wolf spiders in your Santa Barbara house or want to prevent them from entering your home, you need to contact the experts in pest control in Santa Barbara at Jhonny's Pest Control. We have the necessary equipment and techniques to ensure the safety of your home.

How To Identify Wolf Spiders

Here are the physical characteristics of wolf spiders that can help you identify them:

  • Male wolf spiders are around 3/4 of an inch long, and females are up to 1 3/8 inches long. They are hairy, brown to gray, and have various markings or lines.
  • Wolf spiders have eight eyes. The first row has four small eyes, the second row has two more enormous eyes, and the third has two medium-sized eyes. Their two central eyes are more significant than the other six.
  • Wolf spiders have three tarsal claws, found on their last leg segment. 
  • Wolf spiders have pincer-like fangs. 
  • Wolf spiders look somewhat similar to but are different from brown recluse spiders. Brownish-grey wolf spiders lack a violin-shaped marking behind their heads. The wolf spider's legs are shorter.
  • Wolf spiders are hairy spiders. Because of this, you might mistake a wolf spider for a tarantula. However, most wolf spiders are much smaller than most tarantulas.

If you recognize these physical characteristics of a spider, then it is likely a wolf spider.

The Dangers Of Wolf Spiders On Your Property

Wolf spiders bite when threatened or provoked, but are not usually considered dangerous spiders. While they are venomous spiders, their venom isn't generally hazardous to humans, but can injure domesticated animals such as small pets. Wolf spider venom can also cause allergic reactions in sensitive humans.

Under typical conditions, a bite from a wolf spider may cause the affected area to swell and itch, but the discomfort should be manageable and short-lived. On the other hand, if you are allergic to the venom of wolf spiders, you can have cramping in your muscles, dizziness, excessive perspiration, nausea, and difficulty breathing. In this scenario, getting medical attention as quickly as possible will be your best bet.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders will usually enter homes in search of prey, which takes the form of insects and other small pests. If you have wolf spiders in your home, it's often an indication that you have a secondary pest infestation that's attracting them. The safest, most effective way to get rid of wolf spiders is to partner with the professional spider control experts at Jhonny's Pest Control. We'll remove the wolf spiders and address any additional infestations that are luring them to your home. Call us for more information on our wolf spider control services.

How To Keep Wolf Spiders Away From Your Property

If you detect wolf spiders in your home, call the pest control professionals at Jhonny's Pest Control. We know the best way to get rid of spiders and how to prevent spiders to keep you and your family safe. Call us to learn more about our spider control services, and enjoy a home free from wolf spiders and the pests they prey on.